Bus Ticket Home
Do you have a homeless client who wants to be reunited with a family member or close friend with a stable living environment but can’t get there? Valley Restart has Bus Ticket Home funds available. Applications can be completed in person at 200 E. Menlo Ave. in Hemet, CA, or through another agency via email.
For more information, please contact
- 951-766-7476

Boleto de autobús a casa
¿Tiene alguien sin hogar que quiere reunirse con un familiar o amigo cercano con un entorno de vida estable pero no puede llegar allí? Valley Restart tiene fondos disponibles para boletos de autobús. Las solicitudes se pueden completar en persona en 200 E. Menlo Ave. en Hemet, CA, oa través de otra agencia por correo electrónico.
- Para obtener más información, póngase en contacto
- 951-766-7476
Community Resources
FREE Job Training
Adult Ed Sub Program (1)Download Desert Sands Unified School District is offering free classes to prepare for instant employment as a DSUSD substitute in the area of nutrition services and custodial services. Anyone 18 years of age or older may enroll. WHATParticipate...
Are you interested in saving lives?
EMT-IndioDownload More Community Resources
Fantasy Springs Resort & Casino is hosting a Job Fair
Fantansy Springs Resort Casino-1-27-22Download Coachella Fest FlyerDownload Fantasy Springs Resort & Casino is hosting a Job Fair today-from 2-6 at the Special events Center. Please see flyer for details. Coachella...
Palm Springs Art Museum Recruitment
Job fair happening on the 27th of January at the Indio AJCC. The Palm Springs Art Museum is looking to hire Security Guards. Please share Palm Springs Art Museum Security Guard flyer_ (002)Download More Community Resources
Good afternoon, Cambrian Homecare is now hiring Special Needs Providers assisting children and adults with developmental disabilities. Apply with us! Website: www.cambrianhomecare.com Phone: 866-650-4300 Cambrian homecare FLYER 2022 (1)-pdf (1)Download More...
EMT training
Good afternoon, Please see the attached flyer (as well as below), regarding the EMT training that Stephanie Adams spoke of in yesterday’s Bi-Annual partner’s meeting. If you can, please share this awesome and amazing opportunity with those that qualify! If interested,...
Inland Respite Opportunity
Inland Respite is a company that is dedicated to serve the developmentally disabledcommunity. We are currently hiring for the “Respite Care Pro- vider” position. The RespiteCare Provider is re- sponsible for providing in home care for our cli- ents andcontinues the...
Coachella Valley Resource Collaborative (CVRC) Share-Out’s
Please post and distribute Coachella Valley Resource Collaborative (CVRC) Share-Out's Greetings! Happy Tuesday! Attached you’ll a couple of announcements and resources. As always, feel free to print, post and share as you find fit. Job & Resource...
Coachella Job & Resources Fair
Please post and distribute DATE: Tuesday, November 30, 2021 TIME: 9:00 am – 12:00 pm LOCATION: City Conference Center & Library Park – 1500 6th St., Coachella Please see flyers for details. More Community Resources