Fantasy Springs Resort Casino Job Fair 🔥🔥🔥

Fantasy Springs Resort Casino is currently hiring for Security Officers / Public Safety Officer with excellent communication, and customer service, no experience required.
We encourage you to apply prior to the job fair and call to schedule an appointment. If you have any questions you can reach Human Resources at 760-238-5687.
Thank you,
Manuel Rocha
Workforce Development
Business Solutions Consultant
44-199 Monroe Street, Suite B
Indio, CA 92201
Office: 760.863.2503
Fax: 760.863.2540

Community Resources

Spectrum, Paradies Lagardere and more opportunities

Spectrum, Paradies Lagardere and more opportunities

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Bus Ticket Home

Bus Ticket Home

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Community Resources: Spotlight 29

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Community Opportunities: Job Search

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The Fair Chance Act for Job Applicants

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Service Directory for Riverside County Desert Region

Service Directory for Riverside County Desert Region

We would like to thank you for your efforts in providing services (either directly or indirectly) throughout the Desert Region of Riverside County that are designed to improve the lives of our youth. The Riverside County Department of Mental Health (RCDMH) believes that our ability to collaborate with one another allows for the augmentation of services to the youth through improved communication, referrals, and comradery. Accordingly, the RCDMH has commissioned the creation of the Desert Region Service Directory.

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