Community Resources: Spotlight 29
Spotlight 29 Casino
Spotlight 29 is looking to hire for multiple full-time and part-time positions.
Applicants may apply by filling out the attached application. The application can be emailed to or can be taken to Human Resources at Spotlight 29 (located on the 2nd floor)
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FIND YOUR NEW CAREERAT OUR JOB FAIR!Job searching?Look no further — Fantasy SpringsResort Casino is hosting a job fairand have open positions in our F&BDepartment and other exciting jobopportunities.TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 202310 AM – 4 PMFANTASY SPRINGS RESORT...
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Internship in the Office of Congressman Raul Ruiz (CA-25)
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College Corps opportunity
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Join JS Medical Group to empower and grow your career.
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Coachella Fest Hiring Opportunities
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