Bus Ticket Home
Do you have a homeless client who wants to be reunited with a family member or close friend with a stable living environment but can’t get there? Valley Restart has Bus Ticket Home funds available. Applications can be completed in person at 200 E. Menlo Ave. in Hemet, CA, or through another agency via email.
For more information, please contact
- 951-766-7476

Boleto de autobús a casa
¿Tiene alguien sin hogar que quiere reunirse con un familiar o amigo cercano con un entorno de vida estable pero no puede llegar allí? Valley Restart tiene fondos disponibles para boletos de autobús. Las solicitudes se pueden completar en persona en 200 E. Menlo Ave. en Hemet, CA, oa través de otra agencia por correo electrónico.
- Para obtener más información, póngase en contacto
- 951-766-7476
Community Resources
Palo Verde College
NOW HIRING Job postings 2 05 23Download
Pharmacy Cashier
NOW HIRING Pharmacy CashierDownload
Pharmacy Technician
NOW HIRING Pharmacy TechnicianDownload
Royal Plaza Inn
NOW HIRING Royal Plaza InnDownload
FIND YOUR NEW CAREERAT OUR JOB FAIR!Job searching?Look no further — Fantasy SpringsResort Casino is hosting a job fairand have open positions in our F&BDepartment and other exciting jobopportunities.TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 202310 AM – 4 PMFANTASY SPRINGS RESORT...
Citadel Communications
Citadel Communications Job AdDownload
Internship in the Office of Congressman Raul Ruiz (CA-25)
Our Office is looking for highly motivated individuals who are interested in learning more about the inner workings of the federal government. I have included below more information about our internship program: A little bit about...
Preparación de Impuestos – Indio Campus COD
VITA SP23 - (8x10 wLocal) -SpanishDownload Preparación de Impuestos Salon 207 Sábados Febrero 18 - Abril 15 Llama al 951-548-5655 Indio Campus COD 45-524 Oasis St, Indio, CA 92201
College Corps opportunity
CC_PromotionDownload College Corps opportunity Contact Lizbeth 760-565-4893