Truss Manufacturing Positions

Employment Opportunity-Spates Fabricators

Now Hiring: Truss Manufacturing Positions

We are encouraging interested applicants to apply via fax, email, or text a picture of your completed application.  Once they have received your information they will schedule an interview with one of the supervisors.

Will Train: No experience needed! Will train to safely use and operate all necessary tools and equipment required to do the job.

    • Must be 18 years or older
    • Must be able to lift and carry up to 50 pounds frequently and on occasion up to 100 pounds.
    • Manual dexterity
    • Knowledge of safety procedure while performing assembly task
    • Able to withhold extreme temperatures
    • No experience needed
    • Will train

For more information you can visit their website at (

Email all applications/resumes to

Please feel free to pass along this email if you know anyone who is looking for a job. 

Thank you,


Manuel Rocha
Workforce Development

Business Solutions Consultant
44-199 Monroe Street, Suite B
Indio, CA 92201



  Office: 760.863.2503



  Fax: 760.863.2540


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