Bus Ticket Home
Do you have a homeless client who wants to be reunited with a family member or close friend with a stable living environment but can’t get there? Valley Restart has Bus Ticket Home funds available. Applications can be completed in person at 200 E. Menlo Ave. in Hemet, CA, or through another agency via email.
For more information, please contact
- 951-766-7476

Boleto de autobús a casa
¿Tiene alguien sin hogar que quiere reunirse con un familiar o amigo cercano con un entorno de vida estable pero no puede llegar allí? Valley Restart tiene fondos disponibles para boletos de autobús. Las solicitudes se pueden completar en persona en 200 E. Menlo Ave. en Hemet, CA, oa través de otra agencia por correo electrónico.
- Para obtener más información, póngase en contacto
- 951-766-7476
Community Resources
29th Valley Wide Employment Expo
29th Valley Wide Employment Expo September 19, 2024 9am-1pm Fantasy Spring Casino https://www.eventbrite.com/e/valley-wide-employment-expo-tickets-910672013507?aff=ebdsoporgprofile
California Farmworker Foundation
Download Flyer BUILDING BETTER FUTURES FOR OUR FARMWORKER COMMUNITIES California Farmworker Foundation invites children of farmworkers to apply for the Nueva Generación Scholarship. In the last three years, CFF has granted over $150,000 in scholarships to more...
February Indio WDC Job fair
Febrero Feria de Empleo Indio WDC The Workforce Development center will continue to host monthly job fairs the last Thursday of the month. This month over 20 employers have signed up so far. Thanks! El centro de Desarrollo de la Fuerza Laboral seguirá organizando...
DesertJobExpo.com 2023
JOB SEEKERS!!JOIN OUR NO COSTPRE-EXPO WORKSHOP 09.12.23English and Spanish Sessions AvailableRegister atDesertJobExpo.comReceive the tips you need to land your nextjob! Get assistance updating or creatingyour resume, cover letters, and learnsuccessful interview...
TRIO EOC Informational Overview and Individual Support
TRIO EOCDownload TRIO EOC - Informational Overview and Individual Support. Contact Us 909-273-3583
Como Financiar la Educación Postsecundaria
Cómo financiar la educación postsecundaria: Un vistazo a la ayuda financiera howtopayforcollege2Download
How to Pay for College
How to pay for College: A look at financial aid howtopayforcollege1Download
Job Title: Telecommunication Construction Labor
NOW HIRING Job Title Telecommunication Construction LaborDownload
Kitchen Cleaning Specialist
NOW HIRING Now Hiring - Kitchen Cleaning Specialist 2023 03Download