Upcoming Job Fair 

Desert Recreation District
Community Resources
Join JS Medical Group to empower and grow your career.
medicalDownload Join JS Medical Group to empower and grow your career. Now hiring Medical Assistants Call 562-295-7777
Coachella Fest Hiring Opportunities
Cochella Security FlyerDownload Coachella Fest Hiring Opportunities JC Recruitment will be recruiting for security and staff for Coachella Fest and Stage Coach. Please see attachment for additional info. Best, Carmen Carmen QuirosWorkforce...
Workforce Job Fair flyer and additional LMI data
Workforce Job Fair flyer and additional LMI data Good morning all, Here is the additional LMI information. If you find beneficial we could request a presentation. We may need to zoom her in. She usually covers in around 10-15 minutes. I have...
Monthly Career Connections Fair at Indio Workforce Development Center
FEB-INDIO-JOB-FAIRDownload Monthly Career Connections Fair at Indio Workforce Development Center Dear Local Employer, The Riverside County Workforce Development Center would like to invite you and your organization to our monthly Career Connections Job Fair from 10...
Greetings from Hyatt Regency Indian Wells!
Why-Hyatt-and-OpportunitiesDownload Greetings from Hyatt Regency Indian Wells! I am excited to extend to you this invitation to join us at our job-fair tomorrow, Friday, January 20th, 2023 at 9am-2pm! We will have cookies, coffee, and careers of course! Attached is...
Clases de Ingles en Person y por Zoom
Clases de Ingles - FolletoDownload CLASES DE INGLES PARA ADULTOS EN PERSONA Y POR ZOOM A PARTIR DEL 30 DE ENERO ¡5 OPCIONES DE CLASES! Principiante: martes & viernes 9:00 - 11:00 am Ubicación: Centro Familiar PS 333 S. Farrell Dr. Palm Springs 92262 Principiante:...
Oportunidades / Opportunities
Oportunidades / Oopportunities Feria de Trabajo / Job Fair
Career briefing with U.S. Customs and Border Protection
Good morning everyone! Hope this email finds you all in great spirits. Please see the attached information pertaining to a career briefing with U.S. Customs and Border Protection on the 12th of September. Thank you for sharing. Border Patrol customs flyer...
2022 Valley Wide Employment Expo
Valley Wide Employment Expo! Good morning, Please see the attached flyer regarding the upcoming Valley Wide Employment Expo happening on the 28th of September at the Fantasy Springs Casino in Indio, CA. More information is located on the flyer....