Real Estate Courses 2020-2021 in Coachella

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California Farmworker Foundation 

Download Flyer BUILDING BETTER FUTURES FOR OUR FARMWORKER COMMUNITIES  California Farmworker Foundation invites children of farmworkers to apply for the Nueva Generación Scholarship. In the last three years, CFF has granted over $150,000 in scholarships to more...

 February Indio WDC Job fair

Febrero Feria de Empleo Indio WDC The Workforce Development center will continue to host monthly job fairs the last Thursday of the month. This month over 20 employers have signed up so far. Thanks! El centro de Desarrollo de la Fuerza Laboral seguirá organizando...

2023-2024 Course Catalog Coachella Valley Adult School

2023-2024 Course Catalog Coachella Valley Adult School Print or Download the PDF CVAS Catalog-2023-2024Download
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